Run across to Oma’s 15 minutes down the road Magic to have lived so near our home away from home To have had her our forevers To have watched her watch us grow To have danced and played and laughed At things just she and we can know Hole up safe at Oma’s Or if we’re stuck Jolly rumbles to the rescue and we can’t believe our luck As Dad learned when mother’s love Took him to school, on weekend trips, There’s no problem big or small That a profiterole can’t fix Skip happily to Oma’s Or ride instead As her memories paint pictures of the lives she’s led Ballroom dancing, milking cattle, Mares grazing on fresh grass Horses canter ‘cross the gap Between my present and her past Sit quietly at Oma’s Imagine, if you can, Surviving war, teaching, moving cultures with your man Continents and languages High rise and untamed plains To our childish ears, courageous; To our adult ones, the same Look ‘round for Oma She’s not far Supporting and accepting us exactly how we are Showing never telling At your side to see it through They say one can’t choose who one loves Somehow you knew she’d chosen you Live like Oma Take a chance Glass tables likely shatter, but still she let me dance Through her, the world seemed boundless With her, such joy occurred To her, we’re ever grateful We are proud that we were hers
For Oma
- Lizzie you just made me cry at work! It's perfect to me. Thank-you, thank-you.