Being an extrovert and being a writer don't go well together. There's a lot of Alone Time involved in writing: plenty of opportunities to get stuck in your own thoughts, going over and over the same material. When you can scribble something in a notebook, waiting for your laptop to charge back up, then wander off to the stove, only to return and delete all the words you typed yesterday, procrastination seems inevitable and progress seems hard.
But as a typewriter poet, all of this goes away! I'm writing in the way I find most simple and satisfying: in collaboration with others. I'm meeting people, mixing with ideas, and learning. I'm stuck there until I finish the job: no wandering. And finally - once it's on the page, I can't delete it! Perfect.
Typewriter poetry is IN, folks, and there are a few excellent reasons why:
We want to touch something real and connected
How Naked in Manhattan of us.
But you know what I mean - things are mainly happening on screens or in rooms we can't access, and it doesn't feel like we have much control over them. It's a piece of magic to say to someone, "There's this idea inside my mind...", exchange a knowing smile and then, fifteen minutes later, walk away with a frame-able collaboration in your hand.
Vintage is delightful
Aesthetics: my vintage typewriter is pretty. Generational joy: it will make the younger members of your tribe intrigued, and the older members say with a warm smile, "I haven't seen one of those in years!" Wistfulness: vintage touches at your event connect everyone, rose-tintedly, with a more simple, more perfect, more present life. Escape: possibly (read: definitely) in reaction to the distress as well as the ecstasy of the modern world, watching someone's brain and fingers work hard in real time can give us a certain calm we don't often get these days.
The gifts are GOOD
A personal poem? From an artist? That I can take home/give to my lover/frame for my friend? About anything, from my childhood garden to their annoying dog to our obsession with Candy Crush? Are you kidding?
Here are some of the places I have written typewriter poetry:
Museum exhibition openings
Artisanal markets
Hotel lobbies
Corporate dinners
Store openings and product launches
Parties of all shapes and sizes
Company Away Days
Is your event on that list, or do we need to add it?
That typewriter poet page is there for you to find out more, then reach out using the contact page to see what magic we can make together.